Lovely Lessons in Litter
I've been doing a certain task for most of the year now. It's one of those things I've never really done previously but had a sudden urge to do this year. It seemed like it was the Spirit nudging me to do it...hehehe At first, and for a while, I thought it was one of those things to teach me humility. Although humility was something I learned in the process, I'm not so sure that was the point.
It all began when I watched Jesus Revolution. The film itself was pretty good. But nothing I hadn't seen before as far as a wholesome Christian message is concerned. But I later found out that the church Chuck Smith was a part of was still around. One of the branches from the movement was the church Cherie was going to earlier this year. And the one she went to back when she first went to church. So, it was the first one we attended together in our fellowship.
In one of the messages I heard at the church, they made mention of Chuck having a servant's heart. One story that was told was when he unclogged a toilet with his bare hand. He didn't call for anyone else to take care of it. He saw a need and simply took care of it himself in the moment. This inspired me. No, I don't unclog toilets with my bare hands. But the task I've been doing does require a certain level of servanthood and a good washing of the hands afterward...hehehe As I go around walking the property of my apartment complex, I pick up trash I see and toss it in the waste receptacles throughout.
For the longest time, I really thought it was about learning humility. And again, that did happen. But as I continued to do it throughout the year, it became much more than that. Like Chuck, I saw a need that I could simply take care of myself. What started as something simple has turned into more of a passion. I sometimes grumble when I do it. But I quickly remember there is a point to all of this...LOL
As time went on, I started to think about how it all began. It began with obedience. I wouldn't go so far as to label it a calling. Although it may have a ripple effect, it only has a direct impact on just me. I highly doubt anyone even knows I'm doing it. I can imagine someone has seen me do it a time or two. I don't really care. I'd rather no one knows. But if I were to report trash on the property instead of just picking it up, it would either never get picked up or the maintenance crews would be busy doing that instead of working on real issues. I also have concerns for the wildlife. I don't want this garbage getting into their habitats. We are the stewards of the world. But they have to live in it too...LOL
So, why am I talking about this now? On my walk today, I got to thinking about all the lessons this has taught me this year. Humility and obedience are just two of them. It has also taught me about generosity. As I've been doing something no one asked me to do, and I receive no credit for, it has become easier to give other resources without thinking about it's impact on just me. Yes, money is one of those resources. But other things as well. Like a listening ear or shoulder to cry on. And my most valuable resource, time! LOL I stopped looking at my watch when someone asks me for some of my time.
It has also taught me about kindness. One of the grumbles I'd have was why do people toss trash on the ground all the time? Well, that's an assumption. What if it were windy the moment that trash left their hand? Maybe it was the wind that carried it off and it ended up in my path. You can't hold that person responsible for the litter. The same is true for some circumstances. Some folks are facing problems that they didn't cause. It is something happening to them. Perhaps my smile and kindness for a moment will be the very thing that will turn their life around? I can also do the same even if the person caused their own circumstances. Perhaps some kindness will change their heart? Yeah, those little pieces of trash remind me that I don't always know what people are dealing with. So, kindness should always be my first response.
Something else I've learned is patience. There have been a few walks where there was quite a bit of litter to pick up. I like to go at a steady pace when walking. Part of the point of my walks is exercise. Well, when I stop a lot to pick up trash and then stop at the trash receptacle, it throws off my fascinating rhythm...LOL jk HAHAHA But yes, my walking rhythm can get interrupted. That can try my patience a bit. The lesson this has taught me is actually something I can employ at the Disney parks. I often get people who will make sudden stops right in front of me. That used to bother me. Now, it simply does not...LOL But that's just a direct example. There are other times when I have to employ this kind of patience. I was surprised that it was a lesson I would learn from picking up litter...LOL
Selflessness is an important lesson in all of this as well. And that leads to love. I don't exactly love picking up trash all the time...hehehe But it has led to an understanding that sometimes we do things for others because they need us to. We don't need a thank you or even love in return. That's not how love works. True love is being there or doing something even when they can't be there or do something for you. God loves us in that way. There isn't anything we can do to earn his love. His is the truest form of love. Picking up the litter has been transforming my heart. It then has been reflected in the way I care for others now. If I can care so much for a property I do not love, how much more can I care for the people I actually do love ❤️
Thank you, God, for showing me so many wonderful things in this process. Thank you for leading me to this opportunity to know you more. And thank you for the impact this is making on not just my life, but the lives of countless others you have placed on my journey. In Your Name, Amen!
Side note: Jesus Revolution led me to The Chosen. I had already heard of The Chosen. But seeing the actor who plays Jesus in The Chosen also playing a character in Jesus Revolution prompted me to finally start watching it...hehehe I thought he did such a great job in the movie that I just had to see what the show was all about...LOL And of course, this eventually led me to the devotionals and Bible study that have made such an impact on our lives. I love exploring these's all connected. And it all leads back to God...hehehe