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Good Day, But Goodnight

Wow! I just realized I've been writing a lot this month...LOL I haven't written this often since January. The few months prior to September were my least active months so far in this journal, I think. But this month, I seem to have a lot to say...hehehe

I didn't title this one before writing. The title will come after I've finished writing for today. The last few days, I was a bit distracted by the hurricane. That is all over here now. It appears the storm is still impacting folks up north. So prayers continue for those folks and for those who will be recovering from it.

I haven't been on social media for a few days. I may check out my social feeds later today perhaps. It just wasn't a priority this week. I am feeling better about my place on social media, though. I'm just being me; which I always was. But I also felt this pressure I was putting on myself to keep the positivity flowing out there. Now, I'm finding rest when I need it. This week, my focus needed to be on safety. And I didn't want the distraction that social media can be sometimes.

Speaking of distractions, I'm finding less desire in seeking distraction. As I've been noticing the world distracting me from God, I also realized that I would sometimes seek distraction to avoid certain things in life. Or sometimes, it was just to seek temporary reprieve to reset. Distraction can be healthy sometimes, too, though. I just need to find the balance...hehehe

I left my first hotel around 10:30am this morning. I drove over to the second hotel to park my car and I proceeded on bus over to EPCOT to enjoy some festival food for lunch. I had wondered if I would be spending the entire afternoon at EPCOT because I didn't figure my room would be ready until after 3pm like my last one. Well, shortly after I arrived at EPCOT, I was notified my room was ready...LOL As I contemplated whether I would stay at EPCOT for as long as I had assumed I'd be there, or should I go to my new hotel and get setup there, I decided it best to go back to the new hotel. I was already finished with my work goals for the week. But I also felt guilty for being at a theme park...LOL

I finished walking around the World Showcase and ate enough food to be satisfied for lunch. The timing could not have been more perfect. As I was leaving, I met someone and asked if there was anything I could pray about for them. They gave me that look of thank you so much for asking and proceeded to ask if I would pray for their spouse's health. Had my room not been ready when it was or had I decided to stay as originally planned, I would not have crossed paths with this person. While on the bus back to the hotel, I reach out to some friends and family to join me in praying for my new friend and their spouse. Praise the Lord!

I've completed a few more tasks for work. I'm just wrapping up a few loose ends for the week. I have a weird schedule next week and wanted to be sure I was ahead of the game for my workload going into the goals for October. That's the other reason I didn't want to ride out the storm at home. In case the power went out, I didn't want to get behind on work for next week. I'll only be working Monday all day and Thursday and Friday for half a day each. So, basically just two days of the five day work week.

I laid down for what I thought would be a 30 min nap. I ended up out for a little over an hour...LOL I guess I really needed the rest...hehehe A 20-30 min nap is typically all I need. Now I'm trying to decide what I'll be doing for the evening. I'm thinking about going to Hollywood Studios for part of the evening. I may also end up at EPCOT again. We shall see!

I did end up going to Hollywood Studios and EPCOT. At Studios, I rode Star Tours and Rise of the Resistance. I wanted to ride Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway, but the line was a tad long. After Rise, I went to EPCOT to eat some festival food before heading back to the hotel. It was far more busy this evening than it was during the day. Oh well...LOL At least I got in a few rides and some food...hehehe

I wasn't sure I would post this tonight. When I got back to the hotel, I ended up writing a lengthy email to explain some things from today's devotional journal. I haven't sent it yet because I'm getting tired. I want to give it the full attention Cherie deserves from our fellowship. I realize my journal entries with that have been a bit off lately. It seemed like I was holding back. Maybe that is part of it. But I think the main issue is that I know more about what I mean in the words I do write than she can. What I've written seems quite deep to me. But I know what I'm thinking when I write...LOL I think I prefer the times we do it face-to-face instead. We discuss it all during those times. She can always ask me questions to get clarity from what I say. That isn't as easy the other days of the week when we just share our handwritten entries. Today's sparked great questions that I wanted to clarify...hence the lengthy email I'll send to her tomorrow after a good night's sleep...hehehe

Anyway, I'm going to cut this off early. I'm going to go ahead and publish because this is just my own little thinking journal. It doesn't need the same attention. I sometimes don't publish because thoughts aren't finished. Today's, well, the thoughts I did already write were finished...LOL Even if I have more to say, it is about different topics that can wait for another day...hehehe

It was a good day...but for now, I'll bid thee a goodnight...hehehe