Worth the Effort
Work has been going really well overall. There were some stressful moments this week due to the continued transition of employees from the old company to the new one. And there was a production bug discovered yesterday in one of my systems that I accidentally created months ago. Thankfully I've navigated both well. For the bug, I was even able to identify the solution and implement said solution quickly. Crisis averted...LOL
I had a meeting today that was very encouraging. I was offered some new responsibilities that I gladly accepted. I even offered to take on a little more than what was being considered to help alleviate some of the stress my boss has been facing. He was happy to hear I could help out. This works out really well as I had been feeling a little underused of late. With the huge transition going on this year, my work load dropped. All of the top priorities on my plate were super easy to get through in preparation for the transition. Other lesser tasks were put on hold until this phase of the transition was completed. Now that it is pretty much complete, I'm ready for the next great thing...hehehe
Today is my paternal grandparents' wedding anniversary. Grandpa has been gone for 5 years now. Grandma is doing well and remains surrounded by family. Although I miss my grandpa, I'm smiling through the tears with joy knowing someday I'll get to see him standing with Jesus as I dance into Heaven. I miss seeing my grandma all the time. But I also look forward to visiting with her when I visit Indiana. I don't get up there much, though. When she leaves this world too, I'll be just as sad and joyful about that as I am with my grandpa. When I lose people to death whom I love, I always miss them but I never forget them. My heart is flooded with fond memories and I can't help be feel a great happiness in my heart for the time I was Blessed to have with them.
I have dreamt about California every night this week. Some of it has been directly related to what I actually did on the trip. While other dreams weren't what I did at all but would have loved to have done. I was telling a friend of mine last night how I am beginning to consider possibly living there. She lives just south of where my hotel was. I wasn't able to get with her on this trip. But I think it may work out next time. We'll see. But I never really thought about moving to California before. Even as I was traveling home Monday, I didn't really give any serious thought to it. Yesterday and today, though, I'm reviewing those dreams I had and it has me wondering if that is in my future.
With the exception of my 2 childhood homes, I've not really lived someplace more than 4 years. I've lived in 13 different homes over the years. I'm starting to see why I am so unsettled now...LOL It appears as though I have never really settled down...hehehe I would love to find where I belong. But there is also a sense of adventure in this. If I never put down roots, then I'll see more of my little slice of the world, right?..hehehe One benefit to having lived in so many places is that I can see myself moving to that next place. It doesn't really scare me. Moving is a great hassle. But the event doesn't last and there is a sweet relief once it is over.
If I were to move to California next year, I'd commit to at least a year. Giving a place a year allows me to experience it in all seasons. Like I did here in Florida, I would live in an apartment as I learn what the experience is like. But honestly, I don't think I'll ever own a home again. Not even a condo. I've owned 2 homes and regretted it. Renting apartments gives me the flexibility without responsibility. Each year, I get to decide if I'll stay or if I'll move. Also, if anything breaks, I can call someone and it gets fixed. There aren't any surprise and expensive repair bills to worry about. The only caveat that matters to me is that I don't have a yard where I can grow gardens. I would love to have landscaping with a botanical-like garden as well as a place to grow food. So, perhaps I can find a place with a community garden? At the very least, though, a place near a botanical garden or arboretum would be nice. Or I can could about renting a house that would allow me to work a garden?
California seemed like my kind of place. When I felt like being around people, there were plenty of places to go. And I didn't mind the fast pace of that. I didn't like crowds. But that has more to do with feeling trapped with nowhere to escape to. But when I felt like being alone, the hike I took and the arboretum were perfect. The areas I visited had the fast paced and the slowed down relaxing atmosphere. Of course, I could find that anywhere if I looked...hehehe I'm simply saying that it had what I like and it might be worth a try.
No one really knows what I like and don't like. I don't even know...hehehe I've tried so many things over the years. But when I think about when I am most happy or joyful, I tend to think those are the things I love most. The 3 things I loved most about California were my time talking with Chérie face-to-face, the arboretum, and the hike up the mountainside. Of those 3 things, the only 1 I have now here in Florida would be places similar to the arboretum. There are botanical gardens and nature parks all over the place here. But I definitely don't have mountains to hike...hehehe
I'm only dreaming, figuratively and literally, about where I want to be. I'm so grateful for where I live today. I'm going to continue enjoying it. I'm not going to chase after some other place. I'll window shop through research between now and the first of the new calendar year. But I'll continue taking photos and exploring this area. I took some amazing photos this morning that I'll have saved to look back upon. This is truly a beautiful place to live. I think I mentioned this the other day...but I wasn't sad coming home on Monday. I was full of joy about the wonderful time I had in California. But I also love where I live. Despite all of the things I don't like about being here, I truly do love what God has Blessed me with here. I am so grateful for it all. The bad stuff just isn't bad enough to keep me from enjoying it here...hehehe
I took a jog tonight. I did a 5k in 40 minutes. It wasn't my record pace. But I hadn't jogged a complete 5k in quite some time. It felt great to be able to do that tonight. Something that came to mind is how I climbed the mountainside last week. I was a bit inspired...hehehe And here is what I came up with:
I give a little more effort today than I did yesterday because giving the same effort tomorrow will be a little bit easier. I save just enough to celebrate the day as the sun sets. When tomorrow doesn't come, then I will have finished my race and will receive my prize.
Although this sort of sounds like motivation for a race, it actually applies to all areas of my life. For my jog, it was about pushing myself a little harder than I did yesterday. But it could also be the effort I give at work. Or the effort I put into loving people. Whatever it is, if I give just a little more today than I did yesterday, it will be easier to do the same tomorrow. And tomorrow I can try to give a little more than today. I'll be grateful at the end of the day for all of the day's Blessings. When my time is up and tomorrow doesn't come, I'll get to see God. Going to Heaven isn't something we earn. But putting in effort here on earth sure does make life more enjoyable and it is all worth the effort.
What does effort look like for tomorrow? If tomorrow comes, I'll find out. I'm pretty excited to find out!