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Back in Indiana

Happy June!!! We are now through 5 months of 2024. How is this calendar year going so far!? I’d say pretty well…hehehe Some things have been planned. Some have not. Some bad things have happened. Some great things have happened. Overall, I’m enjoying this year quite a bit ☺️

I’m in Indiana at the moment. I’m visiting with Malachi and some of my family. My first year in Florida, I traveled up here 13 times 😱 Last year and this year, I’ve decided to cut way back on that to 2-3 times a year. I use to dread coming here. But my trip in December and now this one has been peaceful for my soul. It has been proof to myself that true healing is taking place.

When I was doing today’s The Chosen devotional this morning outside, I was serenaded by the songs of birds as I sat under the shade of a weeping cherry tree. I felt like Snow White…hehehe Birds were coming by to say hello. The temperature was a pleasant 58F and the sun was rising behind me. Today was the first time I had done the devotional from Indiana. We began doing the devotion just over a month ago. So I’ve always been in Florida while doing it 🤭 It was a great way to begin my time here this weekend.

I was able to visit with my grandmother today and also saw one of my aunts. My visit with grandma was wonderful. She had some work done on her back patio since my last visit. So we sat out there for a spell. It was nice being outside and listening to the rain fall. I showed her the wedding photos I took for my sister’s wedding. And enjoyed some pleasant conversation. Sitting on that back patio reminded me of the time in 2020 when we couldn’t visit face-to-face with each other. I would sit back on that patio and call her. We could see each other through the window and talk through the phone. She can’t hear well and so her phone would spell out the words of what I was saying. It was a difficult time for everyone. I’m grateful she wasn’t one of those who died from covid. Being able to visit face-to-face now is something I will not take for granted.

Malachi and I went to one of my favorite local brewpubs. Since I don’t drink anymore, I just had a non-alcoholic beer. The reason we still went was because I have actually always gone there for their amazing eats. They change out their menu pretty much monthly. So I’m able to enjoy something different each time. I went with a Mediterranean pasta dish they have this month. It was pretty good. It wasn’t the best thing I’ve had there, though. Overall, it was still a pleasant experience. Malachi enjoyed his steak hoagie sandwich. We shared a Brussel sprout appetizer that had a spicy honey sauce.

The rest of the day was pretty much the usual for a visit up here…hehehe My parents watch a lot of TV…LOL I suppose that’s why I was addicted up until my January fast…HAHAHA We’re watching TV right now, as a matter of fact…except I’m also journaling 🤭

Tomorrow morning I plan to go to my old church. My parents still attend church there. I haven’t been in almost 8 years. I’ve been in the building a few times since then. My mother still works there as the administrative assistant. She’s worked there for 38 and half years. I’m looking forward to attending a service again. I’ve watched them online a few times back in 2021.

After church, we’ll have family lunch at my parents’ house. Before I moved to Florida, I had lunch here almost weekly on Sunday. My brother’s family still does. I always enjoy that time. Due to my diet, my mom picked up some veggie burgers. My dad wants to give them a try. So he’ll have one tomorrow as well. I think Malachi will give one a try. She didn’t get ones I would have picked. But they aren’t Impossible or Beyond brand. The brand she got isn’t too bad. It isn’t full of bad stuff…hehehe

Tomorrow night, I’m taking the entire family to one of Malachi’s favorite local restaurants for a celebration in his honor. His mom and her dad will be there, my grandma, parents, and my brother’s family will all be there. We will be going to A1 Japanese Steakhouse. He and I have been going there for years…since they first opened. They know me well…LOL I think they were sad when I moved…LOL