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Preview Popping Corn

I had made some notes about what I planned to write today. But the timing for today just didn't work out. So, I've pushed all of that forward another day. I had actually planned to write it all last Friday...hehehe But it got pushed that day too. I'm finding myself with more to write than I'm making time for...LOL I need to make some changes so that I can balance my time with all of the things I really want to do; which I suppose I'm actually doing. I do have this philosophy that I always have time for the things I want to do. It's just that the things that I actually do are not always things I should want to do...hehehe I do mean this lightly, though. Sometimes I'm doing something that has the purpose of resting my body or mind. Those are still worthwhile even if that means I'm just watching TV or not really doing anything at all. When I say I need to make some changes, it is more an acknowledgement that sometimes I waste time.

Regardless of my short time this evening, coupled with how tired I am still from my Disney weekend, I still wanted to write today. In a way, it gives me the opportunity to talk a little about what I plan to write soon as sort of little preview. It will keep those things at the forefront of my mind today and provide the opportunity to expand upon it all later this week into the next.

I plan to write the story of my grocery store blessing last week. In that experience, I found a valuable lesson about how accepting the generosity of others can bless them more so than it does ourselves. And how it further sets an example for others to follow and pass the blessing along perpetually.

Something else I'm working on is the next installment, and possibly the final, of my Food for Thought thread. I've been pulling on that thread for a while now and I pretty much have a pile of thread on the floor instead of the original garment...LOL Once all of the garment has fully unraveled, I can gather it all up and create a new garment. The lessons I've learned are something I can wear when I face new circumstances.

There is also this thing I want to talk about regarding always rejoicing. In my daily morning refresh time, essentially what I do to wake up each day, there was a series of devotionals over a 3 or 4 day period that inspired me late last week. That happens sometimes and I like to write about it. I've written about a few over these last few months. So, I'd like to write about that one from last week.

Of course, I want to write about all of my Disney adventures from the weekend. That all might just be a single entry as there is quite a bit to talk about. From my first Dapper Day, to my friend from Wales, to the perfect timing to help out a friend...a lot happened during those 3 days.

I've begun an exploration of faith. I'll likely write about some of that as well. I don't always write about the things I'm studying in the Word. I probably should do that more often. I've actually considered writing a commentary book. The problem with that is that I'd like it to include the entire Bible. That'll take decades to accomplish...hehehe Another problem is that my viewpoint could change on any number of topics over the years. So, I'd have to revise it constantly until I die...LOL Writing isn't my day job, after all. If I were to decide to write a commentary, it'll have to wait until I'm gone to get published...hehehe Greg Marine's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible...may he rest in peace LOLOL

By the way, I'm sitting here dressed in most of my Olaf Disney bounding attire...LOL I dropped some of my dinner on my shirt this evening and wanted to pretreat the area so it wouldn't stain. I went to the closet to see what to wear the remainder of the evening and I spotted my white shirt with the 3 large pieces of coal. I was like, sure, why not!? Since I was wearing the main shirt from that outfit, I was like, sure, why not wear the hat as well?! LOL

Selfie wearing Olaf Disney bounding hat and shirt

My dinner was a failure...not an epic one...but a failure nonetheless. I was trying to make a fancy scallop dinner with spaghetti. The sauce I attempted was way off...LOL However, it was edible. So, that's why I wouldn't categorize it as an epic failure...hehehe The main thing I did wrong was started the sauce off too hot. I should have reduced the temp better after cooking the scallops and before I started the sauce. I did reduce it...just that I started the sauce too quickly and it was a tad overcooked. Low and slow is what it needed. I still ate it all. I have had times when I was so far off that I had to toss an entire meal...hehehe Ooh, and a time or two, I've accidentally dumped entire pots of pasta into the sink...LOL This time, I only spilt a tiny bit of the sauce on my shirt...hehehe

I have been super focused at work this week. I've been far more productive than my usual self. Of course, this is a good thing. I just need to capture this momentum so I can continue being this productive going forward...LOL Everything is just clicking this week. Every obstacle I faced, I found a solution immediately. I'm going to acknowledge God on this one for sure. In fact, I've added Proverbs 3:5-6 to my daily prayers this week:

Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

I feel it is no coincidence that my week has been productive the same week I added that specific passage to my prayers. I basically say, Help us to trust in you Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. Help us to acknowledge you as you make our paths straight. I'm also praying this over others. I wonder if they are having a similar experience with the circumstances they are facing this week...hmmm...hehehe

Well, I'm hungry again and I'd like to make some white popping corn. I've been making that on the stove lately. I use coconut oil and I don't season it will anything else. So it is just the popping corn in coconut oil. It works for me, it's a light snack, and it is fun to make. I doubt anyone else would like the taste as much as I do. When I use to do this back when I hosted movie night at my house, I had to supply others with various seasonings and toppings. I was the only one who enjoyed the taste of just the coconut oil...LOL

I need to do these types of journal entries more often. Unstructured and mostly random is fun to write too. I shouldn't always be so formal as I often am. Yes, I will continue writing how I normally do. But today's was fun to write. Being exhausted from the weekend has its perks...LOL Now on to the popping corn and the last episode of season 3 of The Chosen...hehehe