Sonshine Through the Valley
I began writing this entry on Friday the 19th...LOL I didn't complete it that day and most of what I had written wasn't quite ready to be out here yet. Then I had a Disney weekend. So, I'm just now getting back to writing. I'll have to break up some of what I had intended to write because I'm still not settled back into my routine after the weekend yet. And I still have so much to write from the weekend too...hehehe
Favorite Moment
Last week, I had been contemplating what my favorite moment had been each day. I even asked a few of my closest friends the question, What was your favorite moment today? I may continue doing this for the forseeable future. Both for myself, and for those I'm closest to. Perhaps not every day. But often enough for it to make an impact on our lives.
On social media Friday, my Vitamin G post posed the question, What was your favorite moment this week? Great or small, and regardless of whether we'd consider that a good week or not, finding our favorite moment seems important. I then challenged my followers to share the story of their favorite moment with someone they care about.
For me, my favorite moment comes in two parts. I had several wonderful moments last week. However, I truly do have a favorite; which spanned for a few hours on Wednesday. It began when I received and listened to a spoken prayer Chérie recorded for me. I had asked for prayer over finding discernment for a job opportunity being presented to me at Disney. She included that in the prayer, but also went on to pray for Malachi's job interview that was taking place later that same day. The message came at just the right moment and I was able to listen to it at the specific moment God needed me to. I was able to bow my head, close my eyes, and hear the prayer as if she were present in the room with me in that moment.
The second part of my favorite moment came when I was able to talk to Malachi about his job interview. Although it was a few hours later, to me the moments are directly connected together into a single moment. I was able to catch him right after his interview. He was so excited about how it went. He described the entire experience for me and he felt quite confident in how it went. To hear his excitement was an answer to prayer. For me, it isn't about getting a job or not getting it. It is all about the experience gained in the moment. And he fully embraced it! I cannot express how proud I am of how he composed himself during the interview. His description of the event made me feel as if I were there sitting with him. That's just how excited he was with how it all went.
This moment, as a whole, is something I will cherish in my heart. Anytime I feel lonely, afraid, or in doubt of anything, I'll draw from this moment. The feelings, the Blessings, all that this moment meant to me as it was happening. It was a moment that I rested in while it was happening. I was ever present as it unfolded because I knew in that moment just how important it was. It isn't about Chérie, Malachi, or even myself. It is all about God's timing and His presence in the three of us as the moment was being experienced.
Life can be rough and tough. Capturing these moments last week was refreshing. We are faced with many trials and temptations. When I pray that God leads me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil, He reminds me of moments like these. Moments when He has me, and my loved ones, in His warm hugs.
Psalm 23
Psalm 23 AMP
The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me], I shall not want. He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still and quiet waters. He refreshes and restores my soul (life); He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the Lord.
In the first three verses, everything feels very calm and reassuring. Everything we need, our Shepherd will provide. He provides rest in the most peaceful of places on earth. God takes us beside the waters from where we can drink and not be taken under by rushing water. He restores and refreshes us when the world weighs heavy and our circumstances try to destroy us. And God leads us on the path which leads to Him for His name's sake.
But then comes verse four! Woe to us as we embark on verse four!!! The valley of the shadow and death...ugh! Right!?! It is sunless and seemingly Sonless. But wait! It isn't Sonless!!! He is with us! Why fear evil?!? Here's why we shouldn't fear it...God is the same in verse four as He is in verses one through three!!! His rod will protect us in that valley. God's staff will continue to guide us! Woe becomes whoa! Isn't that an amazing thought!?! That truly comforts and consoles me in this journey.
Verses five and six also reveal that God is the same when I face my enemies and when I experience His Blessings. He is unfailing with His Love. This brings my whoa to a WOW!!! And then...just when I think it can't get any better...we get to spend eternity with God in His house forever!!!
I grew up memorizing this Psalm as if I was a young Jewish child in the days before Jesus walked the earth. I can't say I truly understood the meaning or how to apply it to my life back then. On Friday, I had been contemplating all of it. It is a short passage. Yet, it has so much meaning. It is impactful. It goes well beyond the words.
As I continue to navigate the journey I am on, I find comfort in this Psalm. Yes, it's a famous one. But it is so for a reason. And right in the middle, the valley of the shadow of death, I know that God remains the same as He is in the beginning and the end. It almost gives me excited goosebumps!
I just noticed...although I started this on Friday the 19th, I finished it on the 23rd...LOL Psalm 23...publishing this entry on the 23rd...hehehe
Happy Birthday Mom
Today is mom's birthday!!! I'm so grateful to be able to still have her in my life. We almost lost her a little over 20 years ago. So, each year since has been precious as it feels like borrowed time. She's 69 now. It's a sobering thought to think I am almost as old now as she was back then. Life is short, Greg. Enjoy every single moment of it while you can!
I've always been very close to my mom. We have a strong mother-son bond. If anything were to happen to dad, I imagine she'll move down here to be close to me. We talk in some form almost every day still. And I'll be calling her here in a bit to sing Happy Birthday to her.
I love you mom!
Anxious Moments
I had a few anxious moments today. It wasn't about anything particular. And it wasn't overwhelming. I mostly went about my morning as normal as I could. It seemed to all go away after I had my lunch. I am wondering if it has something to do with my break in routine over the weekend. This includes an interruption in my sleeping pattern. My mind tends to need a specific environment for my sleep now. And I was way off of the environment over the weekend. My eating and water drinking was way off as well. Not only was the timing off, but I also did not take in enough food for how active I was. As part of my health journey over the past 15 months, balance has been one of the most important changes. That balance was off this weekend by far. Perhaps all of this is what triggered me this morning?
As a side note, this was one of my most productive days at work in quite a while. With starting my day off with anxiety, I used my work to take my mind off of anything that could cause an extreme flare up of the anxiety. Not that I want to rely on work to be a quick fix often. But I'm glad to have had my work today to give me the opportunity to reflect on and evaluate possible causes without spinning out of control...hehehe It seemed I had found a healthy way to cope today. Even though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, there was some Sonshine...hehehe