Food Fail/Win, Ohtani, Audio Messages, Tomorrow
Sometimes, the answer to a prayer really hurts. Even when I expect the answer to be no, it can hurt when the hope is for a yes. I'll often hold on to my own thoughts of I don't know. But isn't that just denial? I can think to myself, maybe I was wrong about the answer. Rhetorically, I must ask myself, didn't I already know the answer when I made my request? It isn't that I don't believe God would answer in the affirmative. It is most likely that I don't believe I'm making the right request or that I'm even worthy of making it.
Today is the fourth day in a row I failed to make an omelette worthy of that delicious name...LOL It was edible and it looked like an omelette. It just wasn't something I'd care to share with anyone...LOL I'm going to take a break from further attempts for a while. I'm no chef...nor do I have aspirations to be. I'll never be tested for my omelette skills...or egg preparation in general. Just because it is difficult doesn't mean I want to give up. I love a good challenge. They help me grow. This one just isn't worth pursuing at this time.
I'm having a really good week at work. I've been productive and I'm enjoying the tasks I'm knocking out. We are in the middle of a larger effort to prepare for a code migration between the two companies. There is a need to clean up intellectual property from the old company before it can be migrated. There will be a review of my code to ensure I didn't miss anything. So, there is the likelihood I'll need to make more changes down the road. But today's efforts are leading to tomorrow's goals. Emphasis added to abstract today and tomorrow from the literal...hehehe
My extremely noisy neighbors across the breezeway, and at a diagonal, from my door were at it again today...LOL There have been several times they'll be partying really late past midnight. Today, it was in the middle of the day for the first time. They were blaring loud music. It was so loud, in fact, that it was like it was in my apartment...LOL Yet, the sound was coming from inside theirs! That's pretty loud. They ended up going to the pool. But they weren't being loud at the pool...weird. After the pool, they went back to their unit and blared the music again.
Perhaps they don't know how thin the doors and walls are here...LOL Honestly, it didn't upset me. I'm writing about it because how funny it is. And to remind myself how much I've grown. I realize they are just living their lives and not trying to be obnoxious. They seem very friendly when I run into them...hehehe My only complaint is that I'm not invited to the party!!! LOL j/k I never file a complaint about them, actually. I figure if my other neighbors are bothered, they can file complaints if they wish. Even for those late night parties, I'm already awake late anyway. And my white noise sounds mostly drown out external noises.
Today's Dodgers game is about to begin. Once again, I have it available on TV. Unfortunately, it is the Miami feed. So, the commentators favor the Marlins...ugh! LOL Best of luck to the team! Dodgers, that is!
Well, the Dodgers won...big time! Plus, Ohtani made history by being the first MLB player to have both 50 home runs and 50 stollen bases in the same season. He actually made it to 51/51 today. His overall stats for this game were quite impressive. And it sounds like this will be the first time he's been able to play in a post-season. Congratulations to the greatest player of all time!
I made tacos for dinner again. I won't say tacos are perfect, as nothing truly is. But I will say that I've made them four times this week and they made me happy. I could probably eat tacos every day if I really wanted to. I don't always enjoy the ones I get at restaurants. I especially do not care for what Taco Bell calls a taco...LOL I do love the ones I make. They are simple but full of flavor. Unlike my omelette, I do make a good taco...LOL
I went ahead and ordered a new batch of coffee beans from Joffrey's. I went with three bags this time. My usual Sumatra, a 30th anniversary of The Lion King blend, and a special bean from Columbia that supports a woman run source. I'm still unsure if I'll give up coffee or not. I really do love it. I don't need it, though. I haven't decided yet because I'm not really sure why I'm conflicted about it...LOL When I figure that out, I'll be able to make a decision.
I'll be going to Zen for lunch the next few days. I'd like to see Stephanie and Erica. Stephanie works tomorrow and Erica on Saturday. I enjoy hanging out with them. Zen isn't busy at lunch most days I've been there. So, I'm able to chat with them. I also love the food there.
Tonight's prayer walk and jog was a Blessing. I was given the opportunity to pray with someone. It was with someone I had been praying privately for, for quite some time. As we were talking, I felt the need to pray with them in person this time and asked if would be okay if we prayed together. They consented. Sometimes it helps to pray with someone and not just for them. I think they felt much better after having prayed together. But my prayers for them will continue privately as well.
Cherie and I have been sending voice messages back and forth tonight...hehehe I think this is the first time I've had an audio chat with little recorded messages. It's fun! We can't do this all the time. But I appreciate the fun tonight...hehehe We've sent audio files before when we sing or have something to say that comes across better through voice. But what I'm talking about here is the feature in Messages to send audio messages in the Messages app directly. It's a really neat feature...hehehe There is also an option to save the audio messages. For any of them that are worth keeping around, they can easily be saved outside of the Messages app. This is as asynchronous as text messaging with the bonus of it being our voices. It isn't a new feature. But I've just never done it before...LOL
I think I've probably mentioned this a time or two, but I really love my current schedule. It affords me a routine that I enjoy as well. My productivity is at a near all time high...hehehe My sleep has been amazing. My energy level, especially this week, has been incredible. My mind has really been clearing up too. I'm really happy with this.
As part of living in the present while preparing for the future, one of my prayers is a better understanding of how I can do tasks that will prepare me for tomorrow while staying focused on today. I don't want to worry about tomorrow, obviously. But I often wonder what it is I can do today for the future. I may make this part of my daily prayers. Today's devotional reminded me of this. Even though Jesus tells us to not worry about tomorrow, He also tells us to be ready for His return someday. That's something worth praying about, right?! I think this also applies to what I should be doing with my life in the meantime...hehehe I do pray about the future. But I am feeling as though I need to be more intentional about specific, big picture things.